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Title Reference Topic
Advanced Particle Size and Shape Analysis for the
Process Environment
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Dr.-Ing. Markus Schaller,
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Langer,
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Geers,
PSA2011, Edinburgh, September 2011
Overview of Samplers, Measuring Systems for the process environment, including GMP, ATEX flag_gb 762 KB
Cement particle sizing and  applications

Dipl.-Ing. A. Pankewitz, D. Tausenev
Zement Jan./Feb. 2009

Laser diffraction
Dry dispersion
Automated applications

flag_gb 385 KB
Implementation of an online particle size distribution measurement instrumentation within a jet mill system as a PAT tool Holger Luley, Ole Zumblick, Ole Charzinski and Michael Walz; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, 55218 Ingelheim, Germany Application of MYTOS/TWISTER with a jet mill system flag_gb
1.4 MB
Particle Size and Shape Analysis in the (wet) Process Environment Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt, Dipl.-Ing. Axel Pankewitz, Colloquium "Grinding and Dispersing with Stirred Media Mills", 2007, Braunschweig MYTOS/MYTIS,
flag_gb 756 KB
In- and on-line Particle Size Analysis with Representative Sampling for Pharmaceutical Applications (GMP) Dr.-Ing. Michael Heuer,
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Dr.-Ing. Markus Schaller, PARTEC 2007, Nürnberg
flag_gb 317 KB
Sympatec Questionnaire for Process Applications (c) 2005 Sympatec GmbH Design of Process Applications
47 KB
In-line Particle Sizing for Process Control in New Dimensions Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Dr.-Ing. Michael Heuer,
Dr.-Ing. Markus Schaller, 2003, Particulate Systems Analysis 2003, Harrogate, UK
Fundamentals MYTOS & TWISTER
182 KB
Lückenloses Qualitätsmanagement durch on-line und off-line Partikelgrößenanalyse mittels Laserbeugungsspektrometrie Werner Odreitz, Leiter QM, Veitsch Radex GmbH & Co,und Dipl.-Ing. Christian Behrens, ZKG 08/2002
Bauverlag BV GmbH Gütersloh
off-line and on-line Quality Control flag_de 1.62 MB
Kontrolle ist gut, Vertrauen ist besser ! Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
CITplus Leistungsschau 2000, Wiley-VCH
in-line, off-line
364 KB
Increasing the Quality of Metal Powder with Qualitative Particle Size Analysis Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber, Metallurgia 04'2000
ALD Vacuum Technologies Ltd
in-line, off-line
flag_gb 514 KB
Particle size Analysis from Laboratory to the Process Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Pharma International, 1/2000
in-line, off-line
657 KB
Particle Sizing - Latest Technology Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
European Cement Magazine, 3'2000
in-line, off-line
713 KB
MYTOS & TWISTER, Instruments for dry in-line Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffraction including Representataive Sampling and Dry Dispersing Peter Faraday,
Dipl.-Ing. Axel Pankewitz,
Fundamentals MYTOS & TWISTER
451 KB
Partikelgrößenanalyse auf dem Weg vom Labor zum Prozess Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Pharma International 2'2000
Verlag Coating Thomas & Co.
in-line PSA flag_de 291 KB
Particle Size Analysis on the Way from Lab to Process Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Pharma International 2'2000
Verlag Coating Thomas & Co.
in-line PSA flag_gb 205 KB
Jedes Korn entscheidet Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt, Pharmatechnik, 2'2000
463 KB
Increasing the Quality of Metal Powder with qualitative Particle Size Analysis Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber.
Metallurgia, 4'2000
in-line, off-line
514 KB
In- und online- Partikelgrößenanalyse Dipl.-Ing Stephan Röthele,
Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber, Laborpraxis, 9'1999
in- and on-line Particle Size Analysis
740 KB
Good Manufacturing Practice - Qualitätssicherung für die Partikelgrößenanalyse Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Zeitschrift Prozess, 1999
on-line Particle Size Analysis, GMP, Quality
121 KB
In-line Laserbeugung mit innovativer Probennahme Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
Dr. rer. nat. Thosrten Hübner, Chemnitzer Verfahrenstechnisches Colloquium, 11'1998
Fundamentals MYTOS & TWISTER
1.35 MB
On-line Analysis of broad Size Distributions of Coarse Particles in Industrial Practice Dr.-Ing. Michael Heuer,
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Jülke,
World Congress 6'1998, Brighton, UK
on-line Particle Size Analysis, ROPRON flag_gb 504 KB
In-line Laser Diffraction with Innovative Sampling Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
PARTEC 1998, Nürnberg
Introduction to MYTOS & TWISTER flag_gb 624 KB
In-line Laser Diffraction: Proven Particle Size Analysis in Industrial Environment Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Puckhaber,
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Witt,
Introduction to MYTOS & TWISTER flag_gb 509 KB
In-line Particle Size Analysis in the Fines Outlet of an Air Classifier Dr.-Ing. Michael Heuer,
Dr. Ing. Dieter Schwechten (HOSOKAWA Alpine AG),
PARTEC 1995, Nürnberg
in-line PSA, INCELL flag_gb 753 KB
On-line Sampling and Sample Splitting - Principle and Instrumentation Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Naumann,
Dipl.-Ing Udo Brandis, Salzgitter Industriebau GmbH, ausführliche deutsche Fassung des Diskussionsvortrages gleichen Titels, 6. Fachtagung Granulometrie, 1989, Dresden
on-line Sampling, and Process Application of ROPRON flag_gb 914 KB
On-line Probenahme und Probeteilung - Prinzip und apparative Realisierung Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Naumann,
Dipl.-Ing Udo Brandis, Saltzgitter Industriebau GmbH, ausführliche deutsche Fassung des Diskussionsvortrages gleichen Titels, 6. Fachtagung Granulometrie, 1989, Dresden
on-line Sampling, and Process Application of ROPRON flag_de 855 KB
On-line Partikelgrößenanalyse Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele,
zum Vortrag anläßlich der Preisverleihung der Technologietransferpreise des Bundesministers für Bildung und Wissenschaft 1986 in Bonn
on-line PSA, Fundamentals flag_de 145 KB
Verfahren zur geschwindigkeitsgleichen Absaugung mit Differenzdrucksonden Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Röthele, erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrages vom 2. Europäischen Symposium "Partikelmesstechnik", PARTEC, Nürnberg, 25.-27.09.1979 Representative Sampling of Aerosols flag_de 506 KB

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