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How can I get a particle movie of my measurement in a standard video format?

Sometimes a single image of the measurement's particle movie provides too less information about the whole sample. Hence, it has to be possible to save the particle movie as an compressed AVI-File. The procdure is as follows:

Step 1:

Open the signal test window.

Step 2:

Open the database browser and select the desired measurement .

WINDOX Database Browser

Step 3:

Double-click on the marked measurement in the database browser. The measurement's particle movie is displayed in the signal test window now.

Step 4:

Right-click on the image. Afterwards a pop-up menu appears. Select the menu entry "Save as AVI".

Step 5:

Subsequently, the path and the filename of the AVI-file have to be specified by the user.

Step 6:

A dialog concerning the video compression is presented. The user has the choice between several codecs and compression qualities.

Video Compression Mode

At the end the selection has to be confirmed by clicking "OK".

Step 7:

Afterwards the video is saved. This process may take a while and is indicated by a progress bar in the status bar of the signal test window.

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