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I want to insert a single image of the particle movie into another document. How?

Frequently a single image of a QICPIC measurement data stream has to be copied to another application like Microsoft Word™ etc, in order to give a first impression of the measurement's particles. The procdure is easy:

Step 1:

Open the signal test window.

Step 2:

Select the measurement containing the desired image in the database browser.

WINDOX Database Browser

Step 3:

Double-click on the marked measurement in the database browser. The measurement's particle movie is displayed in the signal test window now.

Step 4:

Move the scrollbar on the bottom of the signaltest window until the desired image is displayed.

Signal test Selected Particle

Step 5:

The user has two equivalent possibilities now:

The image is copied to the clipboard of the Windows operating system now.

Step 6:

From the clipboard you might insert the image to other applications using their "paste" command or pressing "Ctrl+v".

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