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광회절 측정에 있어서 Mie theory 의 적용은 아래의 범주내의 구형입자에 적합하다.:

불투명 입자

2 micron이하가 90%인 경우에 적용.
투명 입자 200 micron이하가 90%인 경우에 적용.

Mie 이론의 적용시 비구형입자, 혼합성분에는 적합하지 않고, 반드시 입자의 굴절율을 알아야 한다.



HELOS family MYTOS family
measuring ranges: all measuring ranges all particle sizes
range of relative complex refractive index refraction coefficient
0.1 <= n <= 5.0
absorption coefficient
0.0; 1E-5<= k <= 8.0
evaluation: MIEE Mie Extended Evaluation Mode

Background Information

The basis for applying the Mie theory is the publication by G. Mie[2] in 1908, in which an exact solution of Maxwell's equations was formulated for scattering of electromagnetic waves by spherical particles. This solution is known as the Mie theory. A detailed description is presented in [3].

For the application of Mie theory, the complex refractive index, n of the particles and the refractive index nm of the (non-absorbing) fluid must be known.

The complex refractive indes ist defined by:

n = np - i * kp

The relative complex refractive index is defined by:

m =n/nm




the refractive index of the particle, describes reflection and refraction,


the refractive index of the fluid,


the absorption coefficien of the particle, describes the absorption,      


the imaginary unity.


[2] G. Mie, Ann. Phys. 25 (1908), 377

[3] H.C. van de Hulst, "Light Scattering by Small Particles", Wiley New York (1957)

WINDOX 5 소프트웨어
MIE Module

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