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How can I change the type of the shape diagram?

The shape diagram is a new type of diagram and is available for QICPIC only. It may be configured as described below.

Step 1:

Select the output sheet of the QICPIC sensor control window.

QICPIC Sensor Control Shape Diagram

Step 2:

Click on the green diagram icon on the right-hand side of the shape diagram section (Sh(x) diagram). Subsequently the following window appears.

Particle Shape Diagram

Step 3:

Double-click on the left axis, in order to configure the shape diagram and setting the diagrams type respectively. Another window appears:

Shape Diagram Configuration

The selection box "curve" displays the current diagram type (e.g. "Aspect ratio distr. - cumulative").

Step 4:

Now click on the selection button on the right hand side of the selection box. Then the dialog looks as follows:

Shape Diagram Configuration 2

Step 5:

Select one of the other entries from the displayed list (maybe it has to be scrolled). The following types are available:

In this example "Sphericity distribution - cumulative" has been selected.

Step 6:

Confirm the dialog by clicking "OK". The label of the diagram's x-axis has changed.

Shape Diagram 2

Now the sphericity distribution will presented instead of the aspect ratio distribution.

Step 7:

Evaluate any measurement to obtain its sphericity distribution, but make sure, that the sphericity is checked in the product sheet of its associated product. Otherwise an error message will occur. The following image shows a typical result.

Shape Diagram 3

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